Stripe configuration

Stripe Configuration Tutorial

Monetizing your SaaS application is a crucial step in turning your innovation into a sustainable business. Open Micro SaaS simplifies this process by integrating Stripe, a leading payment processing platform.

This tutorial will guide you through setting up your Stripe account, configuring products with subscriptions, and integrating Stripe into your Open Micro SaaS application.

Step 1: Create Your Stripe Account

Begin by registering for a Stripe account to manage your payments:

  1. Visit Stripe's registration page (opens in a new tab) and fill out the necessary information to create your account.
  2. Once your account is set up, familiarize yourself with the Stripe Dashboard. It's your central hub for payment processing, product management, and analytics.

Step 2: Configure Your Products and Subscriptions

With Stripe, you can define various subscription plans for your users. Here’s how to set up your products and their corresponding subscription plans:

  1. Navigate to the "Products" section in your Stripe Dashboard.
  2. Create a new product for each of your service tiers (e.g., Basic, Pro, Teams). For each product, you can define one or more pricing plans, including details such as the billing interval and amount.
  3. Enable Test Mode: To safely test transactions without real payments, make sure to enable "Test Mode" in your Stripe Dashboard.

Step 3: Obtain Your Stripe API Keys

For your Open Micro SaaS application to communicate with Stripe, you'll need to retrieve your API keys:

  1. Go to API Keys (opens in a new tab) in the Stripe Dashboard.
  2. Note down the Publishable Key and Secret Key. Remember, you'll have separate keys for test and live modes.

Step 4: Update Your .env File

With your API keys in hand, update the .env file in your Open Micro SaaS project to include the following entries:


The STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET is used for verifying webhook signatures. You can obtain it by setting up webhooks in your Stripe Dashboard, which is crucial for handling events like subscription renewals.

Step 5: Configure Payment Plans in Your Project

Lastly, you need to link the Stripe products you’ve created with your Open Micro SaaS application. Update the paymentsConfig object in src/config.ts to reflect your pricing plans:

export const paymentsConfig = {
  title: "Choose the plan that suits you best",
  description: "Start with a 14-day free trial. No credit card needed.",
  defaultCurrency: "USD",
  pricingPlans: [
      id: 1,
      name: "Basic",
      price: 9.99,
      priceId: "your_price_id_for_basic",
      features: ["Feature 1", "Feature 2", "Feature 3"],
      cta: "Start Basic",
    // Include additional plans as needed

Replace "your_price_id_for_basic" with the actual priceId you obtained from the Stripe Dashboard for each of your subscription plans. The priceId is critical for processing subscriptions and must match the IDs configured in Stripe.

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