
Contribute to Open Micro SaaS

Thank you for considering contributing to Open Micro SaaS! Our project thrives on the ideas, feedback, and contributions from our vibrant community. Whether you're fixing a bug, adding a new feature, or improving documentation, your help is welcome. Here’s how you can contribute to making Open Micro SaaS even better.

Getting Started

Before you begin, please take a moment to review our Code of Conduct and Contributor Guidelines. These documents will help ensure that our community remains a respectful and productive environment for everyone.

Proposing Changes and New Features

We encourage you to share your ideas and suggestions to improve Open Micro SaaS. Whether it's a minor tweak or a significant new feature, here's how to get started:

1. Check Existing Issues and Discussions

Browse through our GitHub Issues (opens in a new tab) to see if someone else has already proposed a similar idea or feature. You might find that feedback or additional insights have already been provided.

2. Propose Your Idea

If your idea is new or you have a unique perspective on an existing suggestion, we'd love to hear about it! Please create a new issue using our predefined templates for Feature Requests (opens in a new tab) or Bug Reports (opens in a new tab).

Emphasize Your Proposal: When creating an issue, provide a clear and concise description of your proposal, including any benefits and potential impacts on the project. Engaging with the community through issues and discussions before creating a pull request (PR) helps gather feedback and endorsements for your idea.

Making Contributions

Once there's consensus or positive feedback on your proposal, you're encouraged to proceed with making your contribution. Here’s how:

1. Fork and Clone the Repository

Fork the Open Micro SaaS repository and clone it locally to start working on your changes.

2. Create a New Branch

Make your changes in a new git branch based on the main branch.

3. Implement Your Changes

Work on your proposed changes, adhering to the project’s coding standards and guidelines.

4. Test Your Changes

Ensure your changes do not introduce any new issues or bugs. Adding tests for new features is highly encouraged.

5. Submit a Pull Request

Once you’re happy with your changes, push your branch to your fork and submit a pull request (opens in a new tab) against the main branch of Open Micro SaaS. Make sure to reference any related issues or discussions in your PR description.

Feedback and Review

After submitting your PR, the project maintainers will review your contribution, provide feedback, and suggest any necessary changes. This process ensures that all contributions align with the project's goals and quality standards.

Thank You ❤️!

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant difference. Thank you for investing your time and effort into Open Micro SaaS. Together, we're building something amazing.